Be grateful for what you have… in pursuit of what you want

Negative and pessimistic attitudes do NOT attract success.

All success, especially when it comes to landing a good job, begins with self-enthusiasm, self-confidence, and genuine hope.  The best way to develop and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude is to be grateful for all you have today, so this deep, sincere appreciation leads to the attainment of your goal of rapid employment.  In other words, a positive attitude is NOT overrated.  A positive attitude is the best defense against life’s negative “stuff.”

We tend to take for granted all that is going well in our lives – our eyes work, our kids are healthy, we have a roof over our heads, our families love us, we live in a country where anything is possible… the list is virtually infinite.

But most people do not focus on all that is going well in their lives.  Rather, they focus, most of their time and energy, on the one or two things that are not going well. And this negative focus not only prolongs the job search campaign, but begins to infect all other areas of life that are going well – like our health, our marriage, our relationships, and our future.

Perform this Simple but Powerful Daily Habit

When you wake up every day, write down just 3-5 things you have to be sincerely grateful for.  Then, after each one, write “thank you” three times. When you begin each day with positive energy and an attitude of gratitude, this will have an invaluable positive impact on the job campaign.

And when things go crazy and adversity, rejection, and setbacks affect your job campaign, you’ll need only turn to your gratitude list.  By doing so, you’ll stabilize your emotional state to maintain a sense of calm and equilibrium to continue the job campaign and land a great job.
