It’s an investment in your future. It’s an investment in the financial wellbeing of your family. It’s an investment in your quality of life.
If you’re looking for a new or better job, career coaching will help you to shift your thinking, so you take command of your future and enjoy the process. When you work with Jay Block, you’ll immediately feel a sense of eager anticipation, hope, and confidence that your next job and / or career is in sight… even in the seemingly dense fog you may be experiencing.
Now this may sound bold, but let me assure you that just about everything you’ve been taught about job search and how to hunt down a job is flawed… because JOB SEARCH DOESN’T WORK. Job seekers must do more than just throw together uninspiring look alike résumés, depend on online postings, and work the minimal number of hours to create a better future.

Conduct a Job “Campaign”
A job search or hunt assumes pain, stress, and a sense of not being in control over your future. But when you conduct a strategic job “campaign,” you take control of everything you can control. A job “campaign” ensures that you are confident in your strategy, proactive in your activities, goal and task driven, and enthusiastic about taking personal responsibility to achieve your ambitions.
A job “campaign” suggests you’ll not only take care of your workplace, but you‘ll also take control over your health, your relationships, and all other aspects of your life. In other words, when you conduct a job “campaign” – you elevate every aspect of your life and enjoy the journey in pursuit of the goal of rapid employment.
The 5 Steps to Rapid Employment™
Thousands of job seekers have discovered that the 5 Steps to Rapid Employment™ process is the most successful employment process because 1) it’s highly motivational (and fun), 2) it’s process driven (you just need to faithfully follow 5 steps), and 3) it’s holistic – meaning that your next job (and every job from now on) will play a starring role in enriching every aspect of your life.
JBC Mission Statement: We, at the Jay Block Companies, believe that the “purpose of life is to be happy.” Our mission is to work synergistically with you to help you identify and secure workplace opportunities that result in a happy and rewarding life.
Career Coaching Services
5 Steps to Rapid Employment™:
Jay’s SIGNATURE Program (20 Hour Comprehensive Coaching Program)
Landing the right job with the right company at the right pay is easy – really. It just requires that you take disciplined action on only 5 steps. And forget about job searching or hunting. It’s time you take the initiative, be proactive, and plan and orchestrate a strategic job campaign. When you SHIFT your thinking and commit to conducting an exciting and inspiring job campaign, the most extraordinary, and even unexpected, opportunities will present themselves to you.
- Step 1: How to ride the emotional rollercoaster. Learn techniques to manage fear, adversity, and your own limiting beliefs and doubts. This is the foundation of this entire program.
- Step 2: Defining your workplace goals that will enrich every aspect of your life. Learn how to select and land jobs that turn you on, that make you happy, and that will give you the quality life you and your family deserve.
- Step 3: Create value-based résumés and powerful self-marketing tools.
Stand out and get noticed with professional résumés, LinkedIn and Facebook profiles, reference portfolios and other rapid employment tools that position you as “indispensable” to employers. - Step 4: Create a Meticulous Action Plan (MAP). A strategic MAP becomes your GPS to your next job. A MAP provides action plans to take care of you and your job “campaign.”
- Step 5: Take massive action and master just a few self-marketing skills. New actions create new habits that lead to rapid employment – and an extraordinary life. Disciplined action is the bridge between where you are today and where you want to be in the future.
- 20 hours of one-on-one mentoring with Jay
- Sessions conducted by phone, Skype, or in-person
- A copy of Jay’s best-selling book, “5 Steps to Rapid Employment™”
- Access to the 5 Steps to Rapid Employment™ online program – 8 hours of Jay’s very best material to reinforce all that you are taught
- PowerPoint slide presentations that you will be sent after each session
- Access to our Facebook page and other online venues
- Unlimited email exchanges in addition to the 20 hours of one-on-one mentoring
- And much more
5 Steps to Rapid Employment™ is also available in a blended format that combines classroom and web-based instruction for groups of 8-20. To bring this exciting program to your organization, contact Bruce Wahlgren at 800.219.4057 or .
Résumé and LinkedIn Services
Interview Preparation
Acing interviews and winning job offers is “no problem” and easy when you know the 3 components that make up a successful interview, where YOU control the interview. This program is fun, empowering, and highly effective to ensure you’re always in control when communicating with potential employers, no matter what situation or circumstance you face.
It’s NOT a judging contest. It’s about establishing a “win-win” scenario, where both you and the prospective employer can get excited about and benefit from you being hired.
- Identifying value messages
- The art of performance storytelling
- Preparing for difficult and illegal questions
- Communicating that you’re a good fit and that you share common values
- Creating likeability. People hire people they know, LIKE, and trust
- Preparing great questions of your own
- Receiving a 120-page manual to reinforce and expand on this training
- And much more
4 Hour Training: $595
- All of the services noted in the 4-hour program – PLUS
- 4 hours of practice interviewing
- Preparing for telephone, video and face-to-face interviews
- Discussing and developing specific strategies for your personal campaign
- And much more
8 Hour Training: $995
Identify Your Ideal Job
Happiness and unhappiness are choices we make, inclusive of the challenges we face. We suggest you choose a job or career that makes you happy and that provides a high quality life for you and your family. It’s a cliché, but it is so very true. Most people live to work – to pay the monthly bills. Unhappy. But a select few work to live rich and rewarding lives. They work at meaningful jobs that enrich their lives. Happy. This service focuses on identifying your ideal job that will provide you with the ideal life you deserve to live.
- Aligning life and career values – things that make you happy – to land a job that gives you a life
- Learning how to lead with your heart so your mind can make it happen
- Where there’s a will (heart) there’s a way (head)
- Working the “infamous” Jay Block Companies T-Bar Model to identify jobs and industries where you’d love to work
- Identifying the hot jobs and industries in your job market to brainstorm and heartstorm
- Understanding bridging techniques to efficiently and rapidly land your ideal job
- Working the Circle of Options Model – there are ONLY 4 global options to choose from
- Playing 3 fun, yet powerful strategic exercises:
– Youth Review
– What Business?
– Envy and Replicate - And much more
6 Hour Training: $750
A Dose of Vitamin “J”™
(Using Your Personal Power to Overcome Fear, Doubt, and a Lack of Confidence)
This power-packed program teaches you what world-class athletes do to consistently maintain peak performing states of mind, especially when they face setbacks and adversity. In pursuit of anything worthwhile, you’ll inevitably face resistance. Resistance includes rejection, fear, negative people as well as negative self-talk, health issues, natural disasters as well as self-induced disasters, and the list goes on and on.
The fact is, what happens to you doesn’t matter. What matters is how well you react and respond to what happens to you. The very foundation for ALL success, including rapid employment, is maintaining a positive and optimistic mindset and attitude at all times. To get the most out of your job campaign and to land the best job possible (or to achieve any life goal), you must be in total control over your emotions. A Dose of Vitamin “J”™ empowers you, with specific techniques, to channel (manage) your emotions to achieve your goals and ambitions.
- Mastering the 10 principles to success
- Defeating the 8 enemies to success
- Learning 16 Emotional Channeling Techniques
- Choosing 3-4 techniques that will work best for you to overcome fear and negativity – instantly!
- Learning how to recondition conditioned beliefs to be happier and to achieve abundance in life
- Mastering the art of getting “FROM” the day rather than “THROUGH” the day
- Defining and overcoming obstacles to success
- Creating a code of contact and a personal life philosophy