The CEMP© Credential
Certified Empowerment & Motivational Professional
Also Offered as a NON CERTIFICATION Training Program
- What good are great résumés in the hands of depressed and fearful job seekers?
- What good is career coaching if anxiety and a lack of self-confidence sabotage the job seeking process?
- What good is it to chase a dream when dream chasers don’t know how to constructively manage adversity, setbacks, and disappointment along the way?
The Missing Piece to the Coaching Puzzle
CEMP is one of the most important training programs a coach, trainer, or educator can get, because winning skill sets without a winning state of mind (attitude) are wasted.
When you combine your specific areas of expertise (career coaching, life coaching, any quality of life coaching) with empowerment and motivational strategies taught in CEMP, you will provide your clients/students with an emotional and strategic advantage that will result in rapid success.
The quality of emotions determines the quality of success!
CEMP addresses the missing piece to a success coaching… managing emotions to achieve all the success your clients/students want and deserve.
There is No Other Program Like CEMP
- Think positive
- Grin and bear it
- Make the best of a bad situation
- Turn lemons into lemonade
- Suck it up and toughen up
Great advice…
but HOW?
The Difference between Motivation and Empowerment
So you work with your clients by phone, Skype, Zoom, Facetime, or in person. They are inspired by your motivation teaching approach. Your clients feel jazzed when they leave the coaching session.
But tomorrow arrives. You are not there to motivate them. Fear reappears, as it always does. Doubt creeps back in as well. And all the negative voices, internal, and external, want to be heard. Your motivational session is now of no value.
Empowerment coaching provides clients with specific strategies and techniques to remain positive when you are not with them. You empower clients to defeat fear and negativity on their own!
You’ll become an elite coach who inspires success by combining your expertise with newly learned empowerment techniques.
Who Will Benefit from this Certification?
This certification is for any professional working in an environment where clients/students are battling their emotions.
- Career coaches/employment professionals
- Life coaches
- Business coaches
- Sports coaches
- Health practitioners and physical therapists
- Teachers and parents
- Anyone coaching quality of life topics
In a Class by Itself
You will see an immediate difference in client/student attitudes and mindsets. You will empower them to motivate themselves to success.
Your clients/students will work masterfully in handling the bumps in the road that they will face in pursuit of their goals. And they will know you played a central role in their success! Indeed, this is a life-changing program.
Benefits to Becoming a CEMP
- Inspire rapid success
- Earn more $$$
- Advance quickly in your career
- Become a motivational coach / speaker
- Differentiate yourself from your competition
- Elevate your professional reputation
My Own Experience
In 1991, I was fired by one of my best friends at the age of 39. I had no career path and was struggling deeply with my emotions.
I had always been a highly driven and competitive individual. But I was an emotional wreck and no one had ever taught me how to manage my emotions – and my temper! How do I stay cool when the heat’s turned up? I never knew there were strategies and techniques I could easily learn to manage my emotional ups and downs.
Soon after being fired, I invested in myself and worked with some of the world’s top success coaches, and discovered the hidden secrets to maintaining emotional control – no matter what.
And this single transformation changed my life!
I identified my dream career that’s lasted 30 years. I have authored 18 books and inspired tens of thousands of job seekers to land great jobs. And my career gave me the life I had always hoped to live. All a result of changing my “mindset.”
They don’t teach this in school. Teachers, parents, mentors, and coaches don’t know or teach this stuff. Yet, sports psychologists do. And they charge thousands of dollars an hour for the same information you will learn in CEMP!
The ultimate ROI. When you become a motivational and empowerment professional, you will inspire success, differentiate yourself from your competition, and earn more $$$!
Certification requires membership in the Professional Association of Résumé Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC).
The Quality of Life…
Is the Quality of Emotions
It’s not what we drive, where we live, or what we’re experiencing that matters – it’s how we FEEL about what we drive, where we live, or what we’re experiencing that makes all the difference.
CEMP is a program that teaches you HOW to empower your clients to manage their emotions and fears in the wake of any career/ life challenge.
Fear is the primary enemy to all success.
When people lose their jobs (their identity), are saddled with bosses from hell, or are underpaid, overworked or underappreciated… they become overwhelmed, and anxiety and fear begin to take center stage in the theater of their minds. Every day becomes a struggle to survive emotionally.
Everything affects everything else. Emotional issues associated with the workplace will have a negative impact on other areas of life.
The information taught in CEMP certification involves strategies used by world-class athletes, entertainers, and business leaders.
When you become a CEMP, you…
- Empower your clients to succeed
- Differentiate yourself from your competition
- Possess leading-edge strategies that will position you as an elite industry leader
Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure.
– Norman Vincent Peale
When dealing with people, you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.
– Dale Carnegie
The most vital quality a soldier can possess is self-confidence and emotional integrity.
– Gen. George S. Patton
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.
– Mother Teresa
The Curriculum
- Opposites in conflict
- How we create our own struggles
- Emotions
- Do only one of two things
- The strangest secret
- Our greatest gift – the set of the sail
- The proverbial brick wall – why it exists
- Randy Pausch
- Henry Covington
- Beliefs control destiny
- Colliding beliefs
- Conditioned beliefs
- Hold on for dear life beliefs
- Reconditioning beliefs
- Understanding the 2 human motivators
- Embracing the 10 principles for success
- Defeating the 8 enemies to success
- The “create anything you want” equation
- It’s infallible!
- The fulfillment factor –a “values evaluation”
- Learn 16 emotional channeling techniques
- The power to change our emotional state – instantly!
- And much more!
Certification requires membership in the Professional Association of Résumé Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC).
Program Delivery
CEMP is a home study program that includes:
- A CEMP course manual, the curriculum for this training, divided into two main parts.
- A 5-hour audio program (downloadable) to reinforce the course manual.
- YouTube videos with Jay Block that you can listen to during and after the program.
- Three, 1-hour conference call sessions with Jay (and others).
Once you have registered for the CEMP program, you will receive, by email from PARW/CC headquarters, the course manual that will include instructions on how best to navigate the program.
You will also receive a short questionnaire with questions about your business or profession, and other inquiries so the training is customized for you (and the clients and students you work with).
Once you complete the questionnaire and email it back to Jay Block, you will begin Part 1 of the two- part program – addressing philosophy. Philosophy is just a fancy term to describe how we think.
As you will see, what we (and your clients) regularly focus on, has a direct effect on the quality of our emotions and success achievement. Why? Because it is our emotions that determine the level of action we will (or won’t) take in pursuit of any worthwhile endeavor.
In Part 2, we will cover 16 emotional channeling techniques that you will learn to help your clients/students manage their emotions – instantly – to optimize YOUR area of specialization/expertise.
This will differentiate you from your competition.
The CEMP Exam: The exam consists of 3 essay questions. You will be provided 6 essay questions in advance – BEFORE you test. This way, you can study and even prepare to respond to all 6 questions. Once you are ready to test, you will be sent 3 essay questions from the 6 you were given prior to taking the test. Then, you will have 24 hours to prepare and submit your responses to the 3 essay questions. (Full instructions are provided when you register for CEMP). With meticulous preparation and focus, there is no reason for anyone who is serious about becoming an empowerment and motivational professional, not to be fully prepared to take and pass the exam.
About Jay Block
Jay Block is an industry pioneer and the nation’s leading motivational workplace expert. He is a best-selling author of 18 books, 12 titles by McGraw-Hill Publishing. They include:
- 5 Steps to Rapid Employment: The Job You Want at the Pay You Deserve
- Courageous Health: How to Think Positive and Manage Fear
- Great Answers Great Questions For Your Job Interview
Jay has a 30-year record of success for creating and reengineering the career and employment industry. He is a “mind-changer” who inspires his clients and audiences to RE-THINK the entire process of career management and job search.
Jay was a key contributor to Frank Fox when Mr. Fox launched PARW in 1990 – and has been an active contributor ever since. He founded The Jay Block Companies in 1992 and has created/co-created 6 international certification programs for associations and training organizations.
Jay received his Bachelor’s Degree from the University of New Hampshire and lives in Salem, Massachusetts; returning to his New England roots after 30 years in Florida.
Certification requires membership in the Professional Association of Résumé Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC).
What Others Say About Jay Block

“I have been facilitating and promoting Jay Block’s 5 Steps program to the Workforce in Maryland, Florida, and New York for over 5 years with ‘stunning’ success. The foundation of the program is Step 1… empowerment, where job seekers confidently promote themselves to land great jobs. The added benefit of teaching Jay’s approach is that the techniques transcend the workplace – and positively impact every aspect of life. CEMP is a must program for résumé writers and career coaches who want to take their professions to the next level.”
Bruce Wahlgren, President / Lead Trainer
Workforce Excellence Group, LLC

“Jay’s book, 5 Steps to Rapid Employment, is a true A-to-Z resource for landing great jobs. And it’s his motivational approach that differentiates him from all others.”
Bob Burg, Best-Selling Author
The Go Giver Series

“I facilitate Jay’s 5 Steps to Rapid Employment program, and have seen first-hand the life-changing impacts Step 1 has had on ‘emotional readiness and employment empowerment.’ After completing Step 1, participants are empowered to take massive action to pursue their employment goals – and can do so managing any adversity or barrier to success that they may face.”
Wanet Tyson, Workforce Training / Policy Analyst
Frederick County Workforce Services, Maryland

“What a great teacher who presents very powerful information. I truly enjoyed every minute with you, and wished we had more time. I went home every night “thirsty” for more, and not wanting to go to sleep thinking I might forget something. Thank you again for all this valuable information that will be an asset to help me better serve our customers – especially those who are experiencing a sense of hopelessness, frustration, and uncertainty. What you teach is absolutely ground-breaking and, most importantly, it works miracles!”
Eileen Penkalski
Michigan Works!, Southgate, MI

“Jay’s innovative and highly effective motivational approach to career management (and life) is extraordinary. I will be teaching his process on this side of the world.”
Chris Mills, Founder and Learning & Development Consultant
Soaring Free, Sydney, Australia

“Every once in a while you meet someone using his talents to make a difference in people’s lives. Jay Block is that person. His message is a clarion call for all of us to take action to grow, improve, and succeed on a consistent basis.
“He is a motivational trainer who understands the importance of linking best job search practices with cutting edge empowerment techniques. I hired Jay to train our trainers at SEMCA in Michigan, and his contributions to our program have been invaluable.”
Susan Corey, WCE Administrator
Macomb Community College

“I facilitated/directed Jay’s “5 Steps to Rapid Employment” program between 2013 and 2018 for RochersterWorks, in Rochester, NY. We review the finest programs to ensure our clients have the tools and strategies to land good jobs.
“Jay’s program is the best we ever saw, and delivered the best results we ever had! What makes his program so successful is that every component is based on empowering job seeker success. In fact, after 10 years with RochesterWorks… I used his wisdom to land a new positon myself… with Finger Lakes Community College in 2018.”
Todd Sloane, Asst. Dir. Personal Development & Cont. Ed.
Finger Lakes Community College

“Jay Block is not only a first rate coach and industry leader, but a man of principle, integrity, and compassion.”
Richard N. Bolles, Best-Selling Author
What Color is Your Parachute?
Certification requires membership in the Professional Association of Résumé Writers and Career Coaches (PARWCC).