- Compose and execute strategic achievement plans
- Construct and execute action plans that are strategic, achievable and meaningful
- Put your strategic achievement plans in writing to hold yourself accountable
- Establish worthy goals and set aggressive but realistic timetables for completion
- Be flexible to make “course corrections” along the way
- Work diligently to optimize your resources of time, energy, and finances
- Keep the end in mind and enjoy the journey to make the planning process fun and exciting
- Act deliberately; react appropriately; adapt as necessary
- Implement your strategic achievement plans with precision, confidence, and mastery
- Actively avoid procrastination, stagnation, and indecision; if you don’t move, nothing will
- Do not rest on your laurels and successes; complacency is the killer of future potential
- Take calculated and intelligent risks while mitigating potential liabilities
- Learn from failures and turn adversity into opportunity; all success derives from adversity
- Measure and evaluate your results; readjust when necessary; celebrate your successes