1) FOCUS ON WHAT YOU HAVE in pursuit of what you want. One of the best strategies is to keep a daily “gratitude journal,” because when you focus on gratitude, it changes your attitude – and allows you to better address and resolve the issues you want resolved.
2) ASK HIGHER QUALITY QUESTIONS to get higher quality answers. When you ask higher quality questions, you’ll get higher quality answers to achieve a higher quality life. “Why me, God?” is not a high quality question. “How do I raise the bar and resolve my situation with class and dignity,” is a higher quality question that will result in higher quality solutions quickly and more enjoyably.
3) VISUALIZE YOUR SUCCESS well before you achieve it, because whatever the mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve. If you can see your success it in your mind’s eye, and really feel it… you’ll succeed in achieving it.
4) EVALUATE YOUR SPHERE OF INFLUENCE and never underestimate the effect people have on your mindset and goal achievement. There are people you can spend an hour with, but not a day; and others you can spend a day with, but not a week. The people you spend most of the time with, will have a direct impact on your emotional state of mind and what you achieve – or don’t achieve.
5) CONTRAST ANALYSIS is a technique to reinforce how well you have it compared to many others… inclusive of the challenges you currently face. Just watch the news to see how many other people have real-life problems far worse than yours. This helps put things in perspective to better manage and overcome your challenges.
When you teach your clients and students HOW to manage their emotions and use them to create a better future, you will help them to invite good luck into their lives… and help them achieve whatever they are committed to achieving.

Teach Clients HOW to Attract Good Luck