Why 50% of College Grads End Up Back Home


According to a poll conducted by the consulting firm Twentysomething Inc., 85% of graduates will soon remember “what Mom’s cooking tastes like.” In other words, college grads are moving home (Time Newsfeed). Sociologist Katherine Newman, based on her research concluded that “well over half of college graduates move back home.”

It is safe to say that somewhere between 50% and 85% of all college grads move home because they are unemployed or underemployed – and can’t sustain an independent lifestyle.

Can you relate?

The Job Market Is NOT to Blame

Yes, the job market is a challenge – but there are plenty of jobs open and ready to be filled.  Here are some facts that parents and live-at-home college grads should acknowledge:

1) Grads haven’t been taught how to campaign for a job in a confident and enthusiastic manner; or how to create resumes and portfolios that will get them noticed and hired.

2) Grads haven’t been informed that they will average 29 jobs in their work life; and are therefore unprepared for this.

3) Grads, on average, spend less than 5 hours a week actively and productively seeking jobs.

4) Grads (and/or parents) invested a fortune for “degrees” but invested little, or nothing at all, in job campaigns.

A 5 Step Quiz for Grads:

1) Do you have a confident and positive attitude – where you awake every morning eager to put in a good day’s work to land the job you want at the pay you deserve?

2) Do you have a career or job goal that excites you and that you will work hard and relentlessly to attain?

3) Do you have an exciting value-based resume, reference portfolio, and LinkedIn profile that are “self-marketing profiles on steroids”? Or are they boring, assembly line, chronological obituaries?

4) Do you have a well-thought-out written strategy with weekly tasks and goals – or are you waking up every morning and simply winging it?

5 Steps to Rapid Employment™

There are plenty of jobs out there but employers hire based on one’s value, not one’s need to get a job. Jay Block’s 5 Steps to Rapid Employment™ is a motivational, effective, and award winning program – where 80% of all job seekers land jobs quickly.

Learn all about the 5 Steps to Rapid Employment™ in this exciting 15 minute video and discover why JOB SEARCH DOESN’T WORK.

What makes this program so effective?

1) Grads are taught how to proactively campaign for jobs, just like politicians do

2) Grads learn their market value as well as results and contributions they can produce for employers

3) Grads create exciting tools and effective strategies that promote confidence, courage, and employment

4) Grads learn an easy 5-step process that virtually guarantees rapid employment

5) The program is cutting edge and updated regularly to meet the new, transformational workplace


Is a College Graduate’s Career Worth $195?


Contact us now to take your job campaign to a whole new level!  What is it worth to give college grads the ability to land a job so they can become independent… for life?