There is No Such Thing as Failure!

Failure is a human-made illusion of a perfectly natural phenomenon. In actuality, there is no such thing as failure; struggle yes, failure no!  The human experience requires that you struggle for anything meaningful in life because it’s the only way you can appreciate anything. How can there be meaning to life without an appreciation for life?  We’ve created a monster by creating the concept of failure.

Failure doesn’t exist except when the fear of trying inhibits or outright prevents any attempt to achieve your potential.

The following story best illustrates the natural phenomenon of struggle and why struggle is a critical component and necessary ingredient for landing a job in tough times.

 The Butterfly Story butterfly-03

 The wise old man of the village held a cocoon in the palm of his hand.

“What’s that?” The young boy asked.

“Why it’s a cocoon,” replied the wise man.  “Inside is a caterpillar that spun this cocoon.  And when he’s ready, he’ll break out and turn into a wondrous butterfly.”

“Oh, can I have it?” asked the young boy.

“Of course,” answered the wise man.  “But first, you must promise that you won’t open the cocoon for the butterfly when he begins to break out.  The butterfly must do it all by himself.  Can you promise me that?”

The young boy agreed and took the cocoon home with him.

The next day, the cocoon began to tremble and the butterfly fought hard to escape it.  The young boy couldn’t bear to watch the butterfly struggle and, after a short while, he broke open the cocoon to help the butterfly escape. The beautiful butterfly soared into the air and suddenly, and quite unexpectedly, plummeted to the ground… and died.

The boy returned to the village wise man crying and cradling the dead butterfly in his hand.

“Did you help the butterfly escape from the cocoon?” the wise man asked.

“Yes,” replied the child.

“What you didn’t understand,” the wise man said, “was that the butterfly had to struggle in order to build strength in his wings.  By working hard to get out, the butterfly was building muscles that he needed in order to fly.  By trying to make it easier for him, you actually made it harder for him, in this case, impossible to fly.  You killed him with good intentions.”


When you experience a so-called failure, don’t view this as failure; rather as a character building process.  It’s a process that will strengthen your resolve to transform your career much the same way a caterpillar transforms itself into an elegant butterfly.

The job campaign necessitates that you embrace struggle and constructively address adversity. When you do so, new opportunities will present themselves sooner than you thought possible.