Is Brand Mastery a Forgotten Art?

Former President Jimmy Carter was being interviewed by four-star admiral Hyman G. Rickover, recognized as the “Father of the Nuclear Navy.”  Carter had applied to participate in the nuclear submarine construction program.  The interview went well until Carter reached the door.  Just as he was about to depart the room, Rickover stood from his desk across the large room and said, …

8 Tips to Run Your Day like a Millionaire (No Matter Where You are at Now)

He asked me, “How many hours a day does a happy, successful, and financially independent person have?”  I thought about it for just a few seconds and figured that it had to be a trick question.  But I decided to play along.  “24 hours a day,” I responded; waiting to hear why that was the wrong answer.  To my surprise, …

You Already have Everything You Need to Land a GOOD Job

OK, so you need to land a new job.  I assume that a new, well-paying job will significantly enhance the quality of your life and the life of your family; am I right?  So if securing a new job will dramatically improve your life, your bank account, your health, and state of mind… why don’t you do what you know …

Too Old to Find a New Job? Think Again!

        Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or if you think you can’t – you’re right!” There are more than 78 million baby boomers that collectively make up a significant part of the labor market today. Many who are looking for jobs feel that they are too old to attract good opportunities. The fact is …