There Are Unlimited Business & Career Opportunities Out There!

Business-opportunitiesAmerica’s unemployment rate, though a bit higher than usual, is relatively low. Indeed, Zimbabwe is having its problems these days with unemployment hovering at about 80%.  Afghanistan’s unemployment rate is 40% and Honduras is roughly 30%. So I ask you, if you are seeking an employment opportunity, what other country would you want to be in to secure it?

I know what you’re asking.  Why haven’t I heard about this, and why don’t I have a job; or a better paying job?

You don’t know about this because good news doesn’t sell. If good news dominated, you’d feel better, be happier, and achieve more; you wouldn’t be depressed. If you weren’t depressed, you wouldn’t be inclined to consume anti-depressant drugs advertised so heavily in the media. If you had a good paying job and were happy, most of the ads you see everywhere would disappear; the media would lose money if it had to report good news.

There is a second reason for why you haven’t heard about the good news, and this has to do with your negative relatives, pessimistic friends, and limiting sphere of influence. Your environment has you believing that the job market is hopeless; that the unemployment rate is ten or twenty percent higher than the government is telling you.  They have you believing that you have a better chance of selling ice cubes in Antarctica than landing an opportunity to support yourself and your family.

In both scenarios, you are negatively influenced by your environment and what you pay attention to.

career-opportunitiesWhere are the Opportunities?

Job creation, in 2010, is finally beginning to outpace job losses.  Know that many jobs are being created as a result of the recently passed bipartisan Jobs Bill. In March 2010, more than 80,000 net job gains occurred; only the second time this has happened since 2007. Know that one in four employers in a recent survey confirmed that they plan to hire new employees in the coming months.  So hiring is underway again.

There are roughly 130 million people working now!  And here’s a fact you need to realize: there is more than an 18% turnover a year in these 130 million existing jobs creating some 23½ million jobs a year.  And this doesn’t include new ones that are being created.

So let me ask you honestly… what are you doing to land these jobs?

  • Are you creating a resume that sets you apart from your competition; one that communicates your value and ability to produce significant results?
  • Do you have a written action plan that clearly outlines the specific tasks you’ll put your heart and soul into for 50 or 60 hours a week?
  • Do you have defined, written goals of how many resumes you’ll send out and how many quality contacts you’ll make a week?
  • Do you dress for success every day and have a winning attitude 24/7?
  • Do you have a strong, positive team that inspires you even in the wake of adversity and setbacks?
  • Do you demand more of your self than anyone else would expect of you?

Those who answer ‘yes’ to all these questions, truly have unlimited job opportunities.

Where’s Your Entrepreneurial Spirit?

I understand some industries are disappearing just like the record industry, the business-opportunityhorse and buggy industry, and the payphone industry.  But this great country was built on capitalism – entrepreneurialism.  There has never, in the history of the world, been a better time to start a small business enterprise.  The Internet provides a global marketplace.  Low-cost websites replace high cost brochures.  Voicemail and today’s advanced cell phones replace the need to hire employees to answer the phone or even to rent office space.  Home-based businesses replace high-rent ones and allow more time with family. And this is just the tip of the ‘why not start your own business’ iceberg.  Today, a new archetype for providing for you and your family is “profits are better than wages.”

There are UNLIMITED business opportunities!

So many big companies have lost touch with their clients and are more concerned with taking than giving. Can you take advantage of this?

There are unlimited niches that the marketplace has yet to address.  Can you take advantage of this?

There is so much creative ingenuity in everyone.  Can you take advantage of yours?

When you consider the country you live in, the jobs that are available, and the entrepreneurial opportunities that abound, there are unlimited career opportunities.  No they won’t knock on your door and entice you to get off the couch.  You must get up and seize the moment.  You have to remember what country you live in, believe in the opportunities you’ve been blinded to, and take massive action to pursue and achieve what you and your family deserve.  It’s out there.  It always has been.