The 5-Step Process to Finding a Job After College


A question was posted on LinkedIn that asked: Why is it difficult to get a job coming out of college?

The truthful answer is: it is not difficult to find a job out of college!

Whether you are a college grad or seasoned professional – landing a good job quickly is a “process;” an easy 5-step process.  You just have to work hard at this easy 5-step process.  But you’re NOT taught the process so you either don’t work hard at what you don’t know, or work hard at what doesn’t work.

The 5-Step Process

  1. Develop a positive, confident, and fearless mindset.
  2. Define a clear goal that turns you on and turns the market on (meaning a goals that has economic value that a company will benefit from).
  3. Develop self-marketing tools that communicate your ability to a) produce significant results, b) contribute to organizational goals, and c) “provide more value than you are compensated for.” And your résumé and LinkedIn profile better be a self marketing profile on steroids!  Stand out and get noticed!
  4. Create a written plan with weekly tasks, weekly goals, and measurable results.  Form a team of people (your private board of directors) to help you create and implement the plan. The plan is your GPC system to your next job!
  5. Take massive action and master a few key skills – such as building your own personal sales force (formally known as networking).  Take massive action on the plan you developed in step 4.  And if you are not getting the results you want, go back and modify the plan.

If you work hard (unemployed = 40 productive hours a week) at this process, you will find a job in no time!