The Power of Certainty: 3 Ways to Build a Sense of Certainty

“Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.” – William Shakespeare

Live with certainty and never doubt yourself; for if you doubt what is possible, the possible becomes impossible.

Your Sense of Certainty Determines Your Quality of Life

Creating a sense of certainty that you can achieve whatever you desire is powerful and life-changing. However, if you allow fear and doubt to take over, they become an enemy that destroys all possibilities. They control you, make you settle for less and underachieve. On the other hand, when you courageously conquer these enemies to success, you open the doors to high achievement with certainty and self assuredness.

“If you think you can, you will. If you think you can’t, you won’t” – Henry Ford


Faith is a feeling of certainty that something can materialize even though, at this moment, it has not – like finding a cure for cancer. Faith is also a feeling of certainty that something you believe to be true, really is. You have faith that your car brakes will work when you drive and that a plane you travel on will reach its destination safely.

If you want any part of your life to change – be it a new job, a new relationship, or improved health, a feeling of certainty must exist. Certainty assumes faith. If you are certain you can do something – you have faith that you will.  If you doubt you can do something, this lack of faith will ultimately lead to underachievement. Henry Ford said, “If you think you can (certainty), you will.  If you think you can’t (doubt) you won’t.”

Three Ways to Build a Sense of Certainty:

1) Question and change existing beliefs: evaluate whether your existing beliefs serve you. For example, if you think you won’t find a job because of today’s economy, think about it; does this belief serve you? Are you even sure this is true? Most beliefs are thoughts that have simply been adopted without even exploring the reality of them. It is safe to say that most of our thoughts and beliefs are merely “mirages of the mind.” When a belief is changed – you go from doubt to certainty – instantly!

2) Seek out new references. References are life experiences that you have acknowledged and accepted. If you have seen many marriages end in divorce, you’ll have a reference that marriage doesn’t work.  If you have seen many loving marriages, you’ll have a reference that marriages are blissful. References help determine certainty or doubt. If your references do not create a high degree of certainty, you have the ability to re-think what you think you know, to find new more empowering references, to achieve whatever you are committed to achieving.

3) Be curious: the adage “same old; same old” does not create certainty. Be curious and seek out new information. Ask: “What am I really concerned about?” “What are the stories that I, and others, have told me that may not be true?” “What am I not exploring that would immediately  eliminate doubt and instill certainty?”

– Certainty creates; doubt does not –