You Already have Everything You Need to Land a GOOD Job

OK, so you need to land a new job.  I assume that a new, well-paying job will significantly enhance the quality of your life and the life of your family; am I right?  So if securing a new job will dramatically improve your life, your bank account, your health, and state of mind… why don’t you do what you know …

Get LinkedIn or Be Left Out

The Rules Have Changed ! Indeed, the rules have changed for landing a job or moving up in your career. No, they are not changing; they have changed.  Job seekers can no longer rely on traditional methods of landing jobs by depending on recruiters and employment agencies, the classified ads, referrals, and job postings; not even their closest contacts!  LinkedIn …

10 Tips to Reduce the Time It Takes To Land a Job

According to a 2010 survey conducted by CareerBuilder, the time it takes the average job seeker to land a job in today’s job market is 6 months. CNNMoney reported that it takes job seekers approximately 30 weeks to find a new job today.  Reality and statistics provide clear evidence that it takes somewhere between 6 and 7 months to land …

Too Old to Find a New Job? Think Again!

        Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or if you think you can’t – you’re right!” There are more than 78 million baby boomers that collectively make up a significant part of the labor market today. Many who are looking for jobs feel that they are too old to attract good opportunities. The fact is …