Every Day is a “Birth Day”

What Birth Really Is The definition of birth is mostly associated with the birth of a child, and to commemorate our birth, we celebrate birthdays every year. But the origin of the word BIRTH derives from Middle English; from Old Norse byrth – meaning the beginning or coming into existence of something like the birth of democracy (Oxford Dictionary). It’s …

Can You Afford to Waste a Year of Your Life?

Somehow, the start of a new year always reminds people to do what they have not done. The average “New Year’s Resolution” lasts about 2 days and quickly turns into a New Year’s Reso-Delusion. Have you ever promised yourself: I’ll be kinder to people; I’ll exercise more; I’ll read more books; I’ll save more and spend less; I’ll stop smoking; …

Unemployment Numbers Don’t Add Up

  I am a motivational author, trainer, and blogger so when disinformation and miscommunication are released by the government to hide the truth, someone has to speak out!  The latest unemployment rate, according to the government, fell from 9.4 percent to 9.0 percent last month. Hogwash! Either the data is inaccurate or the government better find an accurate and truthful method to …

Job Campaigners: Personal Branding Made Easy

Terror, anxiety, stress, depression, overwhelm, and a sense of hopelessness permeates the entire process of securing employment.  Have you ever considered that job seekers need to master more skills than a CEO of a Fortune 500 company?  While CEO’s hire and surround themselves with qualified experts in diverse disciplines, job seekers must master most disciplines themselves including goal setting, strategic planning, …

Get LinkedIn or Be Left Out

The Rules Have Changed ! Indeed, the rules have changed for landing a job or moving up in your career. No, they are not changing; they have changed.  Job seekers can no longer rely on traditional methods of landing jobs by depending on recruiters and employment agencies, the classified ads, referrals, and job postings; not even their closest contacts!  LinkedIn …

10 Tips to Reduce the Time It Takes To Land a Job

According to a 2010 survey conducted by CareerBuilder, the time it takes the average job seeker to land a job in today’s job market is 6 months. CNNMoney reported that it takes job seekers approximately 30 weeks to find a new job today.  Reality and statistics provide clear evidence that it takes somewhere between 6 and 7 months to land …

Are Your Thoughts Friend or Foe?

More than 40 years ago, the late Earl Nightingale wrote a book that would motivate millions of people worldwide called,  The Strangest Secret.  In essence, the strangest secret is, “You are what you think; you are your thoughts.”  For those of you who might be students of history and philosophy, you know that as powerful as this message is, it is …