A Simple Job Hunting Survival Guide

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write; but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” ~Alvin Toffler ▬ How many people does it take to turn a windmill? ▬ How many new manufacturing / labor intensive industries are knocking on US doors? ▬ Does Wall Street care if unemployment goes down so …

The #1 Secret To Success: 5 Ways to be HAPPY

The most valuable skill you can ever develop, to enhance every aspect of your life, including your career, your job, and your job search, is the skill of directing your thoughts toward what you want and how you want to feel. It’s the law for all success, achievement, abundance, and personal and professional fulfillment. The greatest myth Knowledge is not …

Adversity is the Catalyst for all Success

  Whoever coined the expression, “Get it right the first time” didn’t think it through much. How many of us ever get it right the first time? One of the laws of achievement is that we’re not supposed to get it right the first time. When we work hard at something and fail, it is actually the genesis for all success achievement. …

Unemployment Numbers Don’t Add Up

  I am a motivational author, trainer, and blogger so when disinformation and miscommunication are released by the government to hide the truth, someone has to speak out!  The latest unemployment rate, according to the government, fell from 9.4 percent to 9.0 percent last month. Hogwash! Either the data is inaccurate or the government better find an accurate and truthful method to …

How to Predict the Future

Strategically anticipating and predicting the future! What TV shows will Americans want to watch in the coming years? What kind of fashions will people want to be wearing 3 to 5 years from now? What kind of apps and capabilities will entice consumers to purchase Smart phones in the years ahead? Did Blockbuster Video anticipate and prepare for Netflix and …

Is Brand Mastery a Forgotten Art?

Former President Jimmy Carter was being interviewed by four-star admiral Hyman G. Rickover, recognized as the “Father of the Nuclear Navy.”  Carter had applied to participate in the nuclear submarine construction program.  The interview went well until Carter reached the door.  Just as he was about to depart the room, Rickover stood from his desk across the large room and said, …

Job Campaigners: Personal Branding Made Easy

Terror, anxiety, stress, depression, overwhelm, and a sense of hopelessness permeates the entire process of securing employment.  Have you ever considered that job seekers need to master more skills than a CEO of a Fortune 500 company?  While CEO’s hire and surround themselves with qualified experts in diverse disciplines, job seekers must master most disciplines themselves including goal setting, strategic planning, …