Is That Legal? How To Handle Unlawful Interview Questions

By Ellen Block, Esq. Employment Law Attorney   The scene is a common one these days: a jobseeker, fighting the wake of unemployment, sits nervously outside a human resources office preparing to answer an unforeseen list of interview questions.   While formulating answers for anticipated questions, the interviewee should also be aware that there are certain questions that employers cannot …

The #1 Secret To Success: 5 Ways to be HAPPY

The most valuable skill you can ever develop, to enhance every aspect of your life, including your career, your job, and your job search, is the skill of directing your thoughts toward what you want and how you want to feel. It’s the law for all success, achievement, abundance, and personal and professional fulfillment. The greatest myth Knowledge is not …

Why Does Everyone Have To Be Right?

How Do Problems Get Solved When Everyone Thinks They Are Right? Is it true that schools now contract police during Debate Classes because each party to the debate is so intense; so confident that they are correct, that if they don’t win the debate or get the other side to accept their views, violence will break out?   Has the United …

8 Tips to Run Your Day like a Millionaire (No Matter Where You are at Now)

He asked me, “How many hours a day does a happy, successful, and financially independent person have?”  I thought about it for just a few seconds and figured that it had to be a trick question.  But I decided to play along.  “24 hours a day,” I responded; waiting to hear why that was the wrong answer.  To my surprise, …

You Already have Everything You Need to Land a GOOD Job

OK, so you need to land a new job.  I assume that a new, well-paying job will significantly enhance the quality of your life and the life of your family; am I right?  So if securing a new job will dramatically improve your life, your bank account, your health, and state of mind… why don’t you do what you know …

Get LinkedIn or Be Left Out

The Rules Have Changed ! Indeed, the rules have changed for landing a job or moving up in your career. No, they are not changing; they have changed.  Job seekers can no longer rely on traditional methods of landing jobs by depending on recruiters and employment agencies, the classified ads, referrals, and job postings; not even their closest contacts!  LinkedIn …

10 Tips to Reduce the Time It Takes To Land a Job

According to a 2010 survey conducted by CareerBuilder, the time it takes the average job seeker to land a job in today’s job market is 6 months. CNNMoney reported that it takes job seekers approximately 30 weeks to find a new job today.  Reality and statistics provide clear evidence that it takes somewhere between 6 and 7 months to land …