You Already have Everything You Need to Land a GOOD Job

OK, so you need to land a new job.  I assume that a new, well-paying job will significantly enhance the quality of your life and the life of your family; am I right?  So if securing a new job will dramatically improve your life, your bank account, your health, and state of mind… why don’t you do what you know …

How Many “Apps” Do You Have on Your Résumé?

The acronym “Apps” is an abbreviation for application. It is a software that can run on the Internet, your computer, your phone, and other electronic devices. Program Your Own Apps into Your Résumé  If you want to land a job in today’s exceedingly competitive, high unemployment job market, did you know that you have the ability to ‘program’ your own apps …

The 5-Step Process to Finding a Job After College

A question was posted on LinkedIn that asked: Why is it difficult to get a job coming out of college? The truthful answer is: it is not difficult to find a job out of college! Whether you are a college grad or seasoned professional – landing a good job quickly is a “process;” an easy 5-step process.  You just have …

Get LinkedIn or Be Left Out

The Rules Have Changed ! Indeed, the rules have changed for landing a job or moving up in your career. No, they are not changing; they have changed.  Job seekers can no longer rely on traditional methods of landing jobs by depending on recruiters and employment agencies, the classified ads, referrals, and job postings; not even their closest contacts!  LinkedIn …

10 Tips to Reduce the Time It Takes To Land a Job

According to a 2010 survey conducted by CareerBuilder, the time it takes the average job seeker to land a job in today’s job market is 6 months. CNNMoney reported that it takes job seekers approximately 30 weeks to find a new job today.  Reality and statistics provide clear evidence that it takes somewhere between 6 and 7 months to land …

Are Your Thoughts Friend or Foe?

More than 40 years ago, the late Earl Nightingale wrote a book that would motivate millions of people worldwide called,  The Strangest Secret.  In essence, the strangest secret is, “You are what you think; you are your thoughts.”  For those of you who might be students of history and philosophy, you know that as powerful as this message is, it is …

A RARE Bipartisan Agreement for Creating New Jobs

A RARE Bipartisan Agreement for Creating New Jobs In an atypical vote that proved that bipartisanism is still possible in The US, the Senate approved and sent to President Obama a bill intended to stimulate employment by providing businesses with inducements to hire new workers.  This action took place yesterday, Wednesday March 17th. The legislation was approved by a clear …